A Supernatural Hug


1 Corinthians 10:13(NLT) “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience.  And God is faithful.  He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand.  When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.”

We are not alone in our everyday struggles, but when we are going through the storms of life, it may seem that your struggle is unique and that you are enduring it alone. A dear lady said to me the other day, “It doesn’t matter how much heartache and pain you are experiencing, there is always someone that is worse off than you.” This is a statement that brings a little bit of clarity and puts things into perspective, but it really doesn’t make the emotional ache that you may be experiencing become less. There is something, however, that will make all the difference in the world.

1 Corinthians 10:13(NLT) tells us that God is faithful. He doesn’t tempt us, and we need to be clear about this. James 1:13 (NLT) reminds us, “And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else.” Placing temptations in people’s lives is the devil’s territory. God’s Word assures us that when we are tempted by the devil, Heavenly Father will show us a way out, so that we can endure.

Single mothers face some of the toughest hurdles, because many of them face tough times without having a significant someone by their sides. They have been praying that Heavenly Father will send a partner to love them and lessen their load, but they’re so busy keeping all those balls in the air that they are running on fumes. They have forgotten that God is the one holding everything together, and they’re trying to handle everything themselves.

It’s in this place of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion that the enemy will try to tempt single mothers by bombarding them with so many distractions, that they don’t have time for themselves. When we realize we’re running on empty this way, we need to remember that we are spiritual people; therefore, the best remedies are those that are spiritual in nature. At times, we feel that we need the comfort of someone’s love, and this is a feeling that makes us very sad when we don’t have a marital partner. Understand that through the Holy Spirit, God can and will fill our cups.

Heavenly Father will give us a supernatural hug, and it may be a little difficult for you to imagine, but His hug is so comforting that it far exceeds anything a human being could offer. Do yourself the greatest favor, ask Heavenly Father to wrap you in His love and warm your entire being with the comfort of His everlasting peace. He is delighted when we come to Him with this child-like faith, and ask daddy for a big hug.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“A Supernatural Hug”, written by Kim Times, edited by Reverend Fran Mack for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2017.  All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.


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