Building A Strong Foundation


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Jesus Christ told us in John 10:10 that he came to make an abundant life available; therefore, every person on earth is entitled to live the most life that they are capable of living. We have this right as born again sons and daughters of the Most High. Some of us will create incredible amounts of wealth, and some of us will live rather modestly. Some of us will create large families, and some of us will have small ones. Whatever it is that we choose for ourselves, whether it’s the most lavish lifestyle or the most mundane, in order for us to stay anchored in peace, happiness, strength, love, and power, we must build our lives on the foundation that God provided through Jesus Christ. This is the key to every good thing that we want for ourselves.
A foundation is defined as the basis on which a thing stands, is founded, or is supported. If you’ll take a good look around, you will see that many folks are busy building their lives on shaky foundations. They spend the bulk of their time building the walls of their lives on bad relationships, addictions, and lies, only for those walls to come tumbling down. Many of these individuals are born again, and even after they have faced the crumbling of all that they’ve built, they still won’t get it! They will not change their hearts. They refuse to replace poor attitudes, feelings, and behaviors with Godly ones. Instead, they begin the process of rebuilding the same structures again, without taking the time to learn how to build something that will stand the test of time.
Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want this for us. He doesn’t want us to keep wasting our time, because time is a precious commodity. It is just too wasteful to keep going around in circles, making the same mistakes all the time. We cannot blame God for the poor choices and decisions that we have made, but too often this is what we do, because we do not want to face the fact that we have refused to learn the lessons that all spiritual people must learn. These lessons are about God’s love. He wants us to LOVE in greater ways, because this is the key to victory and success. Love never fails!
Some of us Christians have resentment in our hearts. We have an angry and unforgiving spirit, and yet we expect for God to reward us when our hearts are not aligned with His heart. He will not do it. God will not reward us when our foundations are made with the wrong tools and substandard building materials. The Father loves to bless us, but He will not come down to the level of our fear, doubt, and sin. We must rise up to His level of love, light, and liberty in order to begin to build.
As Christians we must learn to use the tools that Christ has provided to construct our own piece of wonderful. These tools are love, faith, hope, joy, patience, kindness, humility, generosity, and self-control. The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:10(NIV), “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it.” We are the “someone else” in this verse. We do not have a choice in the matter. Building foundations is a part of our human make up. We are going to build some kind of foundation upon which to hold our lives. Whether it is hate, selfishness, pride and arrogance, or the good works that come from using the tools that Jesus Christ has given us; it’s our choice as to what kind of foundation we will lay.  
We were put here on this earth to build. Just like the Apostle Paul, you and I can be master or expert builders. He understood that human beings create by nature. We build things because that is what we were designed to do. We think of things in our minds and then we set out to produce the thing we thought about. No matter your profession or lifestyle, you were the one who made the choice to go after what you wanted. You took the initiative because you viewed yourself as someone who possesses the ability to build a life.  
This word “master” implies a high level of skill.  Now, all of us don’t go about constructing our lives in a masterful way, but all of us certainly have the potential to live masterfully. That is what the Apostle Paul is conveying in 1 Corinthians 3:10.  He tells us that we are capable of building something so strong and sturdy that not only will it provide comfort and care for us, but for others as well. As a single woman who wants very much to be married, this is something that is very essential to your prayer life. You must understand that right now, with every moment by moment decision that you make, you are building a foundation for the life you desire with your spouse and family.  
Isaiah 33:6 (NLT) says, “In that day he will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure”. Anytime you want to build something solid you need to have a strong foundation of respect, reverence, and honor for God. His Word gives us that strong foundation, and you have to honor His Word to the point that you are standing firm on it. When strong winds blow, your house will stand. You will not feel as though God has abandoned you, but you will have confidence that He is with you and will never leave or forsake you. Then, you will be able to endure any storm.
Some of us fear that we lack the faith to believe in His healing, so we give up on getting well. Some of us become too impatient to wait on our future husbands, so we settle for fooling around with toads. Some become too depressed and bewildered about their broken marriages, and they refuse to learn how to restore them through Christ. We do not have to give-up and give-in this way. If you truly believe that God IS who He says He is, then you will begin to trust that His foundation will not let you down.
Honoring God through our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the key to having something that is immovable and solid. When you construct on God’s promises, and allow the Holy Spirit that dwells within you to lead you, then you will become truly rooted in your love for Him, you won’t have to be afraid that strong winds will tear your house down. You don’t have to fear disappointment or defeat when you uphold His Word, because His Word will never fail. With God there is strength everlasting. Your heart will be filled with love and your life will stand beautifully if you build it on HIS strong foundation.■

“Building A Strong Foundation” written by Kim Times, edited by Reverend Fran Mack, for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2014. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! Sundie Morning Sistas is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the matchless Word of God.





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