The dictionary defines the word ‘hunger’ as a craving or urgent need that is caused by a lack of food or a certain nutrient. It is certainly fitting that this definition of hunger relates to food specifically, because food is necessary for survival. It also causes us to develop cravingsRead More →

1 Corinthians 15:33(NLT) Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.” Some years ago, I made a conscious decision to distance myself from someone that I originally thought was a good friend. Gradually, I noticed she had done some things that I didn’tRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, As we read and study Your Word, one of the things we learn very quickly is that You teach us through patterns, parables, and practices. You showed us first by the examples of faith-filled, Godly individuals. You inspired the written record of their witness and example inRead More →