Hurricanes are among the most powerful and deadliest forces in nature. Some of their effects, such as storm surges and flooding, are perhaps the most dangerous and destructive aspects. The inland effects of winds and heavy rains can also damage businesses, homes, and communities. People are now more aware thanRead More →

In Malachi 3:6, God makes His sovereignty clear and tells us that He does not change. This is His self-defining truth, but some people use this scripture reference to suggest that transformation, reformation, and termination are not part of His plan. They use it as a whipping stick to tryRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, One of the greatest lessons that we can learn is that of transformation and progression. In Romans 12:2, You tell us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We have to change the way we think, so thatRead More →