Psalm 28:7(NLT) says, “The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” This is one of a few scriptures that Karen knew, but she held tightly to it.Read More →

Dear Heavenly Father, Please help us to listen more intently to Your Word. The world is a very unpredictable and chaotic place. To navigate through it, we need Your divine direction through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and You tell us that we also need to be careful aboutRead More →


A wonderful sister in Christ that’s in her early sixties wrote to me about the challenges of finding a good man. She’s looking for companionship that will ultimately lead to marriage, but she’s feeling very pessimistic about finding a compatible partner. Most women have a pretty good feel for theRead More →