Dear Heavenly Father, Life can seem like a rollercoaster sometimes. We pray to receive blessings and to accomplish goals that are really important to us, but it seems that very shortly after we receive them, things kinda go haywire. There are challenges and obstacles that come with the blessing, andRead More →

“Marriage is not for me – I just don’t see myself being with the same person year after year.”  Have you ever heard someone make this statement? I have, and I know folks over 50 that have never been married and still continue to feel this way. “Marriage just isn’tRead More →

In 2Timothy 2:15, Heavenly Father tells us to do everything in our power to be approved by Him as a good worker. He defines a ‘good worker’ as a person that has no reason to be ashamed because this person is someone that handles His Word correctly. Anyone that isRead More →