It’s encouraging and life-changing to read in the bible about the countless miracles, signs, and wonders that Jesus Christ performed when he walked the earth. He loved people and had such compassion for them. Some he miraculously healed and delivered by the power of God, but sadly, many of usRead More →

If we stuck to God’s Word and allowed it to lead, guide, and direct us when it comes to relationships that lead to marriage, every woman today that desires a husband would have one. We should never think that there aren’t enough men to go around for Godly women. ThatRead More →

Psalm 145:19 (NLT) “He grants the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them.” This verse in Psalm 145:19 is very encouraging for those that have marriage on their minds. As single Christians, we can be crystal clear that God is faithful toRead More →