A good friend of mine is a very attractive guy. He has a good job, dresses very nicely and receives tons of attention from women. I think he knows that he’s handsome, but not in an egotistical way. Although he’s quite a bit younger than me, I find his demeanorRead More →

Sometimes, information comes across our ears for a very specific reason. For instance, I was grocery shopping recently, and overheard a woman telling an acquaintance she’d bumped into that she was getting a divorce. She said loudly, “And I’m never getting married again. I’m not putting up with anyone else’sRead More →

A study found that most children growing up in the 21st century will be raised in a home where both parents or guardians work. Although the numbers of stay-at-home fathers has increased, it also found that women carry the brunt of caring for children, and the number of females thatRead More →