Practices that yield greater vision, focus, and spiritual preparation and renewal have the capacity to elevate us to new levels of faith and so much more. We can’t remain in our comfort zones if we want to increase in the Lord Jesus Christ. If we are desiring our lives toRead More →

Have you ever thought about the reality that Moses, God’s chosen leader of the Children of Israel, never entered the Promised Land? Of course, he knew about it, and understood the promise of it, but after everything he had endured with leading the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery, he wouldRead More →

A study found that most children growing up in the 21st century will be raised in a home where both parents or guardians work. Although the numbers of stay-at-home fathers has increased, it also found that women carry the brunt of caring for children, and the number of females thatRead More →

Most of us encounter people every day that are hurting, lonely, and desperate for answers for their pain, yet we are oblivious to the depths of their suffering. On the outside, they seem content and satisfied with their lives, but internally they are struggling. Many of these individuals are peopleRead More →

There are only two books in the bible named after women, Ruth and Esther, in the Old Testament. I personally love them both, but the Book of Ruth is the one from which I draw the most relatable encouragement. I marvel continually at Ruth’s devotion to her mother in law,Read More →