God Allows U-turns


Hiccups and missteps in life are distractions of the enemy, but they can also be signals that we are close to veering away from the path that God desires us to stay on. We’ve stated this often, but it’s such an important statement that it needs to be repeated as much as possible. We have our own agendas, and we map out our lives based on the way that we want to live them—based on our desires, preferences, and choices. Some of us have big dreams that come with their own set of complexities and challenges, and some of us aspire to live very simply, only desiring a peaceful and uncomplicated existence. Whatever it is that we desire to do, or whatever direction we want to take, we must allow for the inevitability of a U-turn. There will come a time when destiny will break into our plans, because Heavenly Father has sprinkled its seeds throughout our existences. They will sprout up as reminders that a change in course is necessary.

Our agenda of desires, preferences, and choices can sometimes obscure our vision and make those reminders look like weeds. We put up resistance because we don’t understand how Heavenly Father has used things in our everyday routines and environments to speak to us. He’s telling us to change lanes and make a U-turn because there’s something within His plan for us that we are about to miss. Understand that a U-turn is a change in direction. It’s necessary because we’ve either forgotten something important, we’ve neglected to pick up something needed for the journey forward, or we’re headed in the wrong direction of where we’re destined to end up. Only Jesus Christ can help us to re-route ourselves.

Solomon, the son of David and King of Jerusalem, was the wisest person that has ever lived. Although Solomon was not a perfect man, he was the perfect portrait of a person that had been anointed by God to profoundly impact generations after him. God anointed Solomon with timeless wisdom that is a pathway to greater intelligence for the ages. He explored the great mysteries of life so that we would not have to reinvent the wheel, so to speak. When it comes to things like destiny, purpose, and most importantly our relationships with God, Solomon broke it down and gave us a place from which to build a meaningful existence. He said in Ecclesiastes 12:12-13 (NLT), “12 My child, let me give you some further advice: Be careful, for writing books is endless, and much study wears you out. 13 That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty.”

Solomon’s final conclusion tells us exactly where to focus our attention, so that we do not miss the reminders or signs that will help us, and so that we don’t become weighted down with things that have nothing to do with the plan God has for us. He knows what we should be doing, how we should be doing it, and when we should be doing it. His divine Word is our roadmap to life, and the indwelling Holy Spirit is our guide.

In John 16:13, Jesus Christ told us that the Spirit will lead, guide, and direct us into all truth. He, the indwelling Holy Spirit, will receive from Jesus Christ and then deliver what he receives to us. We are the recipients of this information. When it comes to His communication system, God covers all fronts. We receive information from Him through our external environments, interactions, and relationships; and we also receive information from Him internally, through the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Spirit is our teacher and guide. He teaches us as we hear, read, and study God’s Word. He aids our comprehension, and he also bears witness of the truth by imprinting agreement in our hearts. It is a truth we already know, and he reminds us of it. Another important piece of this is that he, the indwelling Holy Spirit, does in fact speak to us through signs and symbols. This is sometimes initiated through dreams and visions that he will help us interpret.

God speaks through all of these, and the one common denominator in the system of communication that Heavenly Father has set up is the necessity that we pay attention. Our focus is crucial. We should be looking to receive from Him, because He delivers a word of instruction and confirmation that is contained and revealed in our everyday existence. We each have varying degrees of intellect and sensitivity. So, He speaks in a way that is unique to us individually. It’s an extraordinary system, and we desperately need to receive from Him in this way, so that we steer clear of the road blocks of life.

Rather than focusing so much on the issues that might be causing discomfort in your life, allow for the possibility that God is allowing a necessary U-turn, so that you can recalculate and get back on the path. Here are a few lessons that help us to keep our eyes stayed on Christ as he recalibrates our trajectories through a U-turn.

He Knows the Way
Just as he did with Adam and Eve, the enemy tries to convince us that God’s plan isn’t going to give us fulfillment and happiness. We must be vigilant in our stand against this lie, and be confident that Heavenly Father has a good plan for our lives. He knows the best route possible for each of us and tells us in Jeremiah 29:11(NLT), For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” There isn’t one thing that you and I can add to God’s plans. They are etched in stone, and they are for our good. When it comes to His plans, He reminds us in Proverbs 3:5 not to get ahead of ourselves and lean on our own understanding, but to trust Him with ALL our hearts because He will direct our paths.

Baggage is Too Heavy
Everyone knows that baggage of any kind is extra weight, but we neglect to remind ourselves that the journey forward will inevitably be impeded by it in some way. Jesus Christ wants us to travel light. Sometimes, we are carrying a weight of sin that we might not be aware of. Perhaps we’ve inflicted emotional harm on an individual, or we’re carrying the weight of resentment for the harm someone has inflicted on us. Either way, it is incumbent on us to examine ourselves for this extra baggage, because it will ultimately require us to revisit the situation to get rid of it. We may not have to physically revisit the situation or person, but supernaturally we need to take action. Prayers must be ones of repentance. We must seek God’s forgiveness and His directives regarding how best to reroute the situation and the emotions that have weighted down our journey.

Seek the Lord for What’s Missing
Going further and higher will require greater resources of the love of Christ. We cannot move up to receive greater blessings without putting on more of it. When you get to the next destination that God has planned for your life, you will be required by Him to leave a more bountiful impression of our Savior’s love. We are his ambassadors, and we represent him, but sometimes the impressions we leave do not represent Christ; they represent our own interest. Something is missing in our ministry and service, and we don’t have a clue about what it is. Make a commitment to seek God diligently. He wants to help us discover the missing piece.

David said in Psalm 142:3a (NLT), “When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn.” Many of us are overwhelmed in our lives. We are bombarded constantly with distractions, so many that our priorities are confused and we don’t know which way to turn. Only God can give us directions that will lead us in the path that He’s laid before us. No matter how big the mistakes seem or how complicated the problems are, if we’ll allow Jesus Christ to take over the wheel, he’ll lighten our load, teach us how to put on more of his love, and keep us on the path that God has planned for us.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“God Allows U-Turns” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2017. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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