[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”306″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″] We are in the beginning weeks of another year and for many single women this is the discerning time of their lives.Read More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”847″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] In Ezekiel 37:1 (NLT), the prophet tells us, “The LORD took hold of me, and I was carried away by the Spirit of the LORDRead More →